Aquatic Perfection
Aquarium Display Management & ServicesWe make aquarium environments THRIVE not just survive…
Aquatic Perfection has built its reputation on quality products and services. In the aquarium business, customer service is everything! Maintaining a healthy aquarium requires a diligent commitment to regularly scheduled maintenance. Aquariums achieve their balance and beauty through regular care and proper maintenance. This specialized care is what our staff at Aquatic Perfection is trained to do. Maintenance personnel are dependable, knowledgeable, friendly and trustworthy. The goal is to make aquarium ownership completely worry-free and truly enjoyable.
Most of the aquariums under our supervision receive weekly or bi-monthly care. The exact frequency of scheduling depends on the type of aquarium (fresh, saltwater, or reef), the species of fish being cared for, as well as the size of the tank. Maintenance appointments are preset on a dependable computerized schedule, which you can count on. If we say we’ll be there, you can expect us to be there. If for some reason our maintenance schedule changes you will be notified well in advance and with prompt rescheduling of services. We specialize in working with your schedule and can accomidate off hour maintenance to minimize disruption during your hours of operation.
A general health analysis and head count will be taken of all the livestock as well as recommendations for new specimens to be added. Time is also spent at the end of each service visit to remove any traces of water or salt marks from the surrounding aquarium furniture as well as anything else necessary to keep your aquarium looking great.

Aquarium service visit includes:
- 20-30% Water Change
- Complete Water Quality Analysis and Testing
- Vacuum and Clean Substrate
- Algae and Detritus Removal
- Filter Cleaning and/or Replacement of Media
- Cleaning of Rock and Coral Decorations
- Clean Exterior and Interior of Aquarium Surface
- Polishing outside of the tank
- Maintenance of visual presentation of aquarium
- Maintenance of filtration, lighting, cooling and heating systems
- Routine service of Skimmers, Reactors, etc.
- Visual Health analysis of your livestock
- Addition of Necessary Vitamins and Trace Elements as Needed
- Change Chemical Filtration Media
- Supply and Introduction of Additives, Conditioners, Buffers, etc. as Required
- Replenish Supply of Fish Food with Instructions Regarding Feeding
If your aquarium is currently under the care of another company and you think it is not reaching its full potential, please do not hesitate to give us a call. We offer pressure-free honest consultations at no charge.
Do you live in the San Diego area? Are you experiencing aquarium problems you can’t solve on your own? We can help. If you maintain your aquarium yourself or have it managed by another company and you can’t seem to get a handle on an unusual or persistent aquarium problem, or maybe you just want a second opinion, we are available on an hourly basis to troubleshoot and fix any aquarium problem you may have.
Relocation Services...
Even when it is simply from one room to another, moving an aquarium can be a daunting task. With time being a factor in the health of the aquarium inhabitants, experience is critical in making sure everything is done as quickly as possible. Whether you are temporarily shifting furniture or moving to a new residence, Aquatic Perfection can help move your aquarium to its new location safely.
Emergency Services...
24/7 Emergency Service – 365 Days a Year! We are always available, day or night, to address aquarium emergencies for our clients.
Aquarium Life Support...
It is our belief that filtration systems belong on swimming pools and spas. On aquariums you need life support systems that incorporate several types of water quality controls. At Aquatic Perfection we feel that if we’re not going to keep the fish alive long term, we should leave them in the ocean.
Livestock Services...
We provide our clients with hand selected quarantined, guaranteed fish. All fish are properly acclimated in our quarantine facility to ensure their health and eating habits before they are delivered to your aquarium. We choose only fish that have a strong track record in captivity. All fish purchased through Aquatic Perfection come with a 14 day guarantee! Read more about our Quarantine Process as well as a list of suitable species for your aquarium.
Aquarium Leasing Packages...
Aquatic Perfection provides affordable aquarium leases so that you can maximize your experience and minimize your investment. Give us a call today to discuss our leasing options and see if leasing is right for you